I grew up as the Supreme Nerd Girl. I still am pretty nerdy. I was drum major in the band, apart of three academic groups, always on honor roll, and looked like the geek I was. I would provide pictures but I don't want to put you through that agonizing expirience.
So, I grew up. Things about me changed. I went from the girl being generally unnoticed, to actually wanting to date me. I wanted to be noticed so badly. It finally happend, and now, I'm kinda sick of it.
I realy don't want another guy to think that calling me pretty, showering me with any type of similar compliment excessivley will get any type of footage towards a relationship with me. Now, I am not saying I dont apprieciate the occasional compliment, however, attempting to adrorn me with typical banter and pickup lines that someother girl prolly heard just a few days ago.... not gunna work. I just feel like if the only nice things a guy can say to me are on a physical basis then that means he probably doesn't care about much else anyways.
Compliment my mind. Talk to me. I like good converstation. I really apprieciate the guys that take the time to understand me and not just treat me as a lady should be treated, treat me like I (Sophia) should be treated. It makes such a huge difference.
I am working on the my ultimate love poem. This will be fore the man that will hold my heart. I don't know who he is yet, but I can't wait to find out.
I want him to make me feel like this.......
listen to the song here :)
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