A poetic attempt to illustrate in a slightly satirical manner on the feelings of unconditional love. He said he is going to love me
He will love me with my flaws and all....
I know that when I wake up
There is no make up
and I wish I could just make up this invention to somehow combat the way my hair just seems to want to go every other way than what I want it too
or maybe devise something that can prevent me from that over night drool
So that when the sunshines in the morning,
He somehow denies that look like some freakish ghoul
I really feel like a fool when we go to the movies
I wish I could hold all my emotions inside
but all love stories seem to make me cry
and he always has to bring a box of tissue on the side
Which also comes in handy in the spring
Which is a beautiful season
how ever my body chooses to differ
Im constantly sneezing
leaving me to look far beyond chipper
leaving me to look far beyond chipper
but, he sweetly tends to every little whimper
I appreciate that he doesn't laugh when I get my shirt caught in my zipper
and how he always has a hand waiting on me when trip over my own feet
He doesnt mind that when we dance I'll be moving to some other random beat
or how when I want to sit down I somehow miss my seat
He says he loves my curves
which was hard to understand b/c I've always seen them as some sort of curse
But he loves the way they shape into my clothes
He loves the outline they make from my head to my toes
I love how when we quarrel
we get closer
he never hesitates to listen and it makes my eyes glisten with tears
I never thought myself to be this blessed in years.
He is the definition of unconditional love
He is the mirror of the man that is sent down from above
I never have to fear that my mistakes will result in rejection
His gift is his soul, not just a section
He sees my flaws as my perfections
He wants to take me as I am with no corrections
He wants me to feel like I deserve our perfect selection....
He said he is going to love me
He will love me with my flaws and all.....
Really liked this post. It was cute and heartfelt.
thanks! i was going for "cute" :0) good to hear it worked!